We use the same dataset as Agresti Chapter 4.7. The question here is to understand the questioni: what affects the selling price of a house? This dataset contains \(100\) house selling records in Gainesville, Florida.
Houses <- read.table("Houses.dat", header = T)
Pair-wise scattor plots
pairs(Houses[, -1])
Pair-wise correlations
cor(Houses[, -1])
## taxes beds baths new price size
## taxes 1.0000000 0.47392873 0.5948543 0.38087410 0.8419802 0.8187958
## beds 0.4739287 1.00000000 0.4922224 0.04931556 0.3939570 0.5447831
## baths 0.5948543 0.49222235 1.0000000 0.25148095 0.5582533 0.6582247
## new 0.3808741 0.04931556 0.2514810 1.00000000 0.4732608 0.3843277
## price 0.8419802 0.39395702 0.5582533 0.47326080 1.0000000 0.8337848
## size 0.8187958 0.54478311 0.6582247 0.38432773 0.8337848 1.0000000
We include all covariates, and can decide whether we also want to include interactions
We can compare the model with and without interactions.
fit.1 <- lm(price ~ size + new + baths + beds + taxes, data = Houses)
fit.2 <- lm(price ~ (size + new + beds + baths + taxes)^2, data = Houses)
anova(fit.1, fit.2, test = "Chisq")
If we use the glm function, the default is also to use the Gaussian linear model, though the ANOVA table column names are different.
fit.1 <- glm(price ~ size + new + baths + beds + taxes, data = Houses)
fit.2 <- glm(price ~ (size + new + baths + beds + taxes)^2, data = Houses)
anova(fit.1, fit.2, test = "Chisq")
One thing to notice is that the deviance and residual deviance reported here are values with \(\sigma^2 = 1\). The computation of p-values takes into account the estimation of \(\sigma^2\).
We can even compare with a model adding third order interactions.
fit.3 <- glm(price ~ (size + new + beds + baths + taxes)^3, data = Houses)
anova(fit.2, fit.3, test = "Chisq")
We see that the third-order interactions also seems help.
All the above p-values are valid only when the equal variance assumption holds. So before we further select a good linear model, we should check whether the residuals look good.
par(mfrow=c(1,3), mar = c(4, 4, 6, 4))
plot(fit.1, which = 3, main = "main effect model")
plot(fit.2, which = 3, main = "second-order interations")
plot(fit.3, which = 3, main = "third-order interactions")
## Warning: not plotting observations with leverage one:
## 22, 35, 68, 84, 92